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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 17, Issue 2, pp. 249-494

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Symmetry and Stability in Taylor-Couette Flow

Martin Golubitsky and Ian Stewart

pp. 249-288

Bifurcations in Doubly-Diffusive Systems III. Interaction of Equilibrium and Time Periodic Solutions

Wayne Nagata and James W. Thomas

pp. 289-311

Secondary Bifurcations of a Thin Rod under Axial Compression

Ernesto Buzano

pp. 312-321

Exact Boundary Conditions at an Artificial Boundary for Partial Differential Equations in Cylinders

Thomas Hagstrom and H. B. Keller

pp. 322-341

Chemical Surface Reactions and Nonlinear Stability by the Method of Energy

Carol L. McTaggart and Brian Straughan

pp. 342-351

On the Spectral Properties of a Class of Elliptic Functional Differential Operators Arising in Feedback Control Theory for Diffusion Processes

A. van Harten

pp. 352-383

On the Construction of Series Solutions to the First Biharmonic Boundary Value Problem on a Rectangle

Charles V. Coffman

pp. 384-402

Abstract Nonlinear Volterra Equations with Positive Kernels

Norimichi Hirano

pp. 403-414

Eigenvalues of Differentiable Positive Definite Kernels

Chung-Wei Ha

pp. 415-419

Positive Definite $C^p $ Kernels

J. B. Reade

pp. 420-421

Uniform Asymptotic Solutions of a Class of Second-Order Linear Differential Equations Having a Turning Point and a Regular Singularity, with an Application to Legendre Functions

W. G. C. Boyd and T. M. Dunster

pp. 422-450

Asymptotic Behavior of the Invariant Density of a Diffusion Markov Process with Small Diffusion

Shuenn-Jyi Sheu

pp. 451-460

Electrostatics and the Zeros of the Classical Polynomials

P. J. Forrester and J. B. Rogers

pp. 461-468

On the Order of Magnitude of Fourier Coefficients

J. B. Reade

pp. 469-476

Generalization of Zemanian Spaces of Generalized Functions which Have Orthonormal Series Expansions

Stevan Pilipovic

pp. 477-484

Analyticity Spaces of Self-Adjoint Operators Subjected to Perturbations with Applications to Hankel Invariant Distribution Spaces

S. J. L. van Eijndhoven and J. de Graaf

pp. 485-494